
To start setting up your Trezor device, visit Follow the on-screen instructions to initialize and secure your Trezor hardware wallet.

At, you can easily initiate the setup process for your Trezor hardware wallet. Here’s a detailed guide to get you started:

1. Accessing Trezor's Website

Navigate to using your web browser on a computer or mobile device. This official page provides comprehensive guidance for setting up your Trezor wallet securely.

2. Connecting Your Trezor Device

Connect your Trezor device to your computer or mobile device using the USB cable provided. Ensure your device is powered on and ready.

3. Initializing Your Trezor Wallet

Once connected, the website will guide you through the initialization process. This typically involves confirming that your Trezor is genuine and has not been tampered with. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully.

4. Setting Up PIN and Recovery Seed

You will be prompted to set up a PIN code on your Trezor device. Choose a PIN that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. After setting up the PIN, you will need to create a recovery seed. This seed is crucial as it can restore access to your funds if your Trezor is lost or damaged.

5. Backing Up Your Recovery Seed

During setup, your Trezor will display a list of words that make up your recovery seed. Write down these words in the exact order displayed and store them safely offline. Never store your recovery seed digitally or share it with anyone.

6. Installing Trezor Bridge (if needed)

Depending on your operating system, you might need to install Trezor Bridge to facilitate communication between your Trezor device and the web interface. Follow the prompts on the website to download and install Trezor Bridge if required.

7. Completing Setup and Testing

Once the setup process is complete, you can test your Trezor device by sending a small amount of cryptocurrency to it and verifying that you can access and manage your funds securely.

8. Additional Security Tips

  • Regularly update your Trezor firmware to benefit from the latest security enhancements.

  • Enable additional security features offered by Trezor, such as passphrase protection, to further secure your wallet.

By following these steps outlined on, you can confidently set up and start using your Trezor hardware wallet, ensuring your cryptocurrencies are stored safely and securely.

Last updated